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Item İcra ve iflâs dairesi görevlilerinin hukuki sorumluluğu(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2008) Arıç, Mehmet; Tercan, Erdal; HukukThe subject of our dissertation is the legal responsibility of the officials of enforcement and bankruptcy office. The officials are; enforcement manager, enforcement helping manager, enforcement clerk, bankruptcy manager, bankruptcy helping manager, bankruptcy clerk, the bailiff and other workers. This duty should fulfill completely in impartiality and in accordance with the rules laid down in Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law.If the officials of enforcement and bankruptcy office make harm with their negligence to the parties of the prosecution of the enforcement or to the third parties while enforcing their duties, then an action for damages will be sued against the government(Ministry of Justice). The cases are out of subject emerging from the personal negligence of these officials. If the case sued for the action for damages is accepted, then the government uses the right of recourse against the official in the ratio of his negligence because of the payment done by it. If this negligence can not be loaded completely to the official (negligence of service), there can not be an action of recourse against the official. If the action for damages is sued before using the right of complaint, either the action for damages is refused or the quantity of recompense is decided as there is negligence of togetherness.Moreover the money embezzled by the enforcement and bankruptcy official is immediately paid by the government without waiting the criminal process result against the official if the money given to the execution chamber is defalcated. Of course the right of recourse will be used against the official who has embezzled because of the paid money by the government. It?s neither an obstacle to take his criminal and disciplinal responsibility nor to annihilate these responsibilities, if it is taken the legal responsibility of the official.Item Medeni Usul Hukuku'nda dava açılmasını'nın Maddi Hukuk açısından sonuçları(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009) Ufacık, Ayşe İmren; Tercan, Erdal; HukukProceeding right is a right, taken to secure at Constitution, that creates some kinds of solutions at law world and these solutions are subjected at this work written as a master thesis. Essentially bringing a suit is related with procedural law. But, at basis of proceeding right, there is a real right which is wanted to be recognized or protected. So, bringing a suit creates some solutions not only at the procedural law but also at the substantive law. These solutions, created at the substantive law by bringing a suit, exist the subject of our thesis. In this way, our work is completed by studying the proceeding right, procedures of bringing a suit, solutions of bringing a suit and especially solutions of bringing a suit according to substantive law.Item Medeni Usul Hukukunda davaya vekalet ehliyeti(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006) Börü, Levent; Tercan, Erdal; HukukThis study is related to the analysis of the ?Proxy Competence to An Actionin the Turkish Civil Procedure Law?. This study consists of an introduction part,followed by three separate body parts and a conclusion part.Within the scope of the introduction part, the definition of the proxycompetence of an action is made and the importance of this legal institution ispointed out in legal systems.In the first part of our thesis, the definition of the Representation of theParties in an Action, the Definition, Conditions and the Difference Between SimilarInstitutions of the Proxy Competence of an Action are studied in details.In the second part, the persons that have proxy competence are discussed.Attornies, Trainee Attornies, Partnership of Attornies, Action Representative (anattorney who does not possess a law degree) are examined in this part.Lastly in the third part, the extent of the proxy competence to action, end ofproxy competence and juridical and criminal consequences of pursuing of an actionby persons that have not proxy competence of an action are studied broadly. Inconclusion, consequences are emphasized concerning proxy competence to actionlegal institution that is our thesis subject.Item Medeni usul Hukukunda hüküm (Esasa ilişkin nihai karar)(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006) Buran, Armağan; Tercan, Erdal; HukukBuran, Armağan, The Final Judgments In The Code Of Civil Procedure,Master?s Thessis, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Erdal Tercan, 163 p.ABSTRACTCourts give many decisions during the trial process. These decisions areinterlocutory judgments, temporary preventive decisions and final judgments.The investigation must be completed and enlightened enough to be ableto make a judgment. In the Turkish doctrine, neither stepwise nor conditionaljudgments can be made.The names, surnames, judicial record numbers and signatures of thecourt, the judge and the clerk of record; the identities and the adressess of theparties; justification of the judgment, the outcome of the judgment, the date ofthe decision must be found in the judgment.The presence of justification in a judgment is a constitutional must. Thesummary of the claims and the defenses of the parties, the agreed anddisagreed facts, the evidences collected about unadjusted matters, thearguments of evidences, the refusal and superiority reasons, definete events,the results deriven from these and the lawful reason are the elements of thejustification of the judgment.The outcome of the judgment is the answer given by the court to therequests of the parties. In the outcome of the judgment, the debts loaded onthe parties and the given rights must be mentioned clearly. For the judgment togain legality, at least the outcome of the judgments must be written in trialrecord and read, which is called as, short decision.Item Medeni Usul Hukukunda istinabe(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2008) Boşça, Süleyman; Tercan, Erdal; HukukThe courts can only adjudicate within their own jurisdictions. They can not perform procedural acts in jurisdictions other than their own jurisdictions (in a jurisdiction of another court).In a suit filed, when the authorized and competent court needs to perform an act in a place other than its own jurisdiction (in a jurisdiction of another court), that court may ask legal assistance from the competent court. This is called rogatory.Instead of ?rogatory?, it would better be called ?assistance between courts?. Because the court asked to assist the other one is assisting the court which is hearing the case.The aim of the provisions about rogatory is to save time and money in the case that the persons or things to be taken before the court which are not within the jurisdiction of the court hearing the case.In our law system, there are no general provisions that regulate rogatory independently. There are provisions relating to rogatory in the Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Execution and Bankruptcy, Commercial Code and Code of Criminal Procedure. There are no independent provisions in these codes that regulate where rogatory shall take place. The situations that may be applied to rogatory are cited in different articles of the said codes.Item Medeni usul hukukunda mahkemelerin kamu düzenine ilişkin yetkisi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2004) Yılmaz, Mehmet; Tercan, ErdalKamu düzeni, toplumdaki dirlik ve esenliği, emniyeti sağlamak ve genel sağlığı korumak gibi toplumsal amaçlara hizmet eder. Bu sebeple, kamu dü-zeninin gerçekleşmesinde toplumun menfaati vardır. Ancak, kamu düzeninin gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla bireylerin sahip olduğu temel hak ve hürriyetler ihlal edilmemelidir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, kamu düzeni sağlanırken hukuk devleti ilkeleri zedelenmemelidir ve kamu düzeni kavramının sınırları tespit edilmelidir. Medeni usul hukukunda yetki kuralları, kural olarak kamu düzenine ilişkin değildir. Bu hallerde taraflar, açık veya zımni bir anlaşma ile veya davalı-nın aslında yetkisiz olan mahkemenin yetkisine itiraz etmemesiyle yetkisiz bir mahkemeyi yetkili kılabilirler. Kamu düzenine ilişkin olmayan yetki hallerinde yetki itirazı, ilk itiraz olarak ileri sürülebilir. Bazı durumlarda ise davanın belli yer mahkemelerinde açılmasında, kamu düzeninin gerçekleşmesi açısından yarar vardır. Bu durumlar, kesin yetki kuralları ve kesin olmayan kamu düzeni-ne ilişkin yetki kurallarının uygulama alanı bulduğu hallerdir. Kamu düzenine ilişkin yetki kurallarından kesin yetki kurallarının sözkonusu olduğu hallerde dava yalnız kesin yetkili mahkemede açılabilir. Taraf-lar yetki sözleşmesiyle kesin yetkili mahkemenin yetkisini kaldıramazlar veya kesin yetkili mahkemeyle birlikte başka bir yer mahkemesinin yetkili oldu-ğu konusunda anlaşmaya varamazlar. Kesin yetki kurallarını dikkate almayan taraflar, yetki sözleşmesi yaparlarsa bu sözleşme geçerlilik arz etmez. Kesin yetki itirazı her zaman ileri sürülebilir ve mahkeme de 118 yetkisizliği re'sen dikkate alır. Aksi düşüncenin kabulü, tarafların özellikle dava-lının veya devletin zarara uğramasına ve hukuki menfaatin gözardı edilmesine yol açabilir. Örneğin, kesin yetki kurallarının uygulandığı hallerden biri olan ta-şınmazın aynına ilişkin bir uyuşmazlığın çözüme kavuşturulması amacıyla açılan davada tarafların yetki sözleşmesi yapmasını mümkün kılmak ve bu yetki sözleşmesine geçerlilik tanımak veya davacının taşınmazın bulunduğu yerden çok uzak bir yerde dava açması ve davalıya yetki itirazı olarak sadece ilk iti-raz hakkı tanımak, davalıyı veya her iki tarafı zor duruma sokabileceği gibi mah-kemelerin iş yükünün artmasına da sebep olabilir. Zira, o taşınmaz için keşif ya-pılması gerekebilir. Davanın taşınmazın bulunduğu yerden uzak bir yerde açıl-masında davacının da hukuki menfaati bulunmayabilir. Ancak, davacı dava-lının davayı takip etmesini önlemek amacıyla bu yola başvurabilir. Bu gibi sakıncaların önlenmesi amacıyla kesin yetki kuralları getirilmiştir. Kesin olmayan kamu düzenine ilişkin yetki kurallarının sözkonusu ol-duğu hallerde de taraflar yetki sözleşmesi yapamazlar. Dava, kamu düzenine ilişkin yetki kurallarıyla belirlenen yer mahkemelerinde açılmalıdır. Bu du-rumlarda kesin yetki kurallarından farklı olarak genel yetkili mahkeme olan davalının yerleşim yeri mahkemesinde de (HUMK m. 9,I) açılabilir.Item Medeni Usul Hukukunda müddeabihin artırılması(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009) Sarıoğlu, Bülent Şeref; Tercan, Erdal; HukukWith an increase in the amount disputed, the fee that must be collected from theplaintiff must also be increased. The subject matter increase in fee must be deposited to thecashier of the court for complete payment of the Court Fees.As stated in article 288 of Code of Civil Procedure, if the amount under dispute isincreased, the situation in which a case cannot be proved without a bill, on the basis of thelimit necessitating a written evidence, will become a consideration here. Although a witnesscan be heard, with regard to a legal dispute involving an amount that is less than the limitnecessitating a written evidence, if the subject matter amount is increased then it willbecome mandatory to prove the case.Another limitation in the Code of Civil Procedure, Article 427, is about appealing afinal decision. In application, it has been observed that this limitation has been used toserve bad intentions. Some plaintiffs, judging the possibility of a final decision reached inthe first court of justice to be overturned in the court of appeal as high, choose to keep theamount disputed below the limit for appeals and as such try to finalize the decision reachedby the court without an appeal. I believe that our judges play an important role inmitigating the effects of this kind of malevolent behavior that we encounter in applicationfrom time to time.In increasing the amount disputed, we will also be faced with another importantresult in terms of procedural economy and the validity of previously conducted proceduraltransactions. With regard to the partial improvement of the case; as an example, if theconsideration is increased in the same case or the scope of the case is extended, then partialimprovement can be considered. In a case as such, it would be impossible to consider all theprocedural transactions conducted until then to be invalid. In article 87 section 1 of Codeof Civil Procedure that arranges the partial improvement of a case, the followingexpression takes place ?from the point that the party causing the improvement, embraces?,and according to this, the plaintiff becomes the party that has a say as to which one of theprocedural transactions conducted will be deemed as invalid. On the other hand theprocedural transactions pertaining to the part of the case that has not been improved oramended will maintain their validity. In case of a partial improvement, the considerationcan be increased through improvement, the plaintiff initiating a partial case will be able toclaim the rest of his/her receivable that has been reserved, later in the same case. Thecreditor (plaintiff) that requests the payment of his principal receivable in the first case, willbe entitled to request an interest in the same case if the debtor (defendant) does not consentItem Medeni Usul Hukukunda yargılama harç ve giderleri(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2001) Rüzgaresen, Cumhur; Tercan, Erdal; HukukDie Türkei hat seit Jahren ein Inflationsproblem. Deshalb werden die Kösten der Dienstleistungen stândig angestiegen. Dies beeinflufSt die justiz negativ und führt dazu, daS die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit vom Gericht immer teuerer wird. Denn die Kösten der Justiz werden neben dem Staat auch durch Klâger und Beklagte getragen. Ein Ziel der Justiz besteht auch darin, zwischen dem Recht und der Pflicht eine Gleichgewicht zu bilden und dies auch aufrechtzuerhalten. Die geschâdigte Person sollte zum Gericht gehen, urn seine Rechte zu schützen und sein Schaden zu ersetzen. Sie sollte dafür die im Gesetz bestimmten Gebühren zu zahlen. Die Justiz ist eine der wichtigsten und ursprüglichsten Funktion eines Staates. Der Staat sollte grundsâtzlich diese Aufgabe füh seine Burger umsonst durchfuhren. Die Richter dürten also von Klâger und Beklagte kein Honorar für ihre Dienste veriangen, wie im Schiedsverfahren der Fall ist. Jedoch sollten die Parteien die Ausgaben, die der Staat für eine Gercihstverhandlung gemacht hat, in einer bestimmten Mali beitragen. Falls von den Parteien keine Gebühre für Gerichtsverhandlung verlangt wurde, hâtte die Zahl von Klagen eine unertrâgliche Zahl erreicht. Aus diesem Grund hat der Staat einige Mafcnahmen getroffen, urn solche Probleme zu verhindern. Urn die rechtlichen Eigenschaften, die Bestimmungen und Konsequenzen, die Vor- und Nachteile dieser vom Gesetzgeber vorgesehenen Regelungen zu klaren, hat die Untersuchung dieses Thema eine wichtige Bedeutung. Gerichtsgebühren und -ausgaben haben zwar in der Praxis eine sehr bedeutunde Rolle, aber darüber wird in der Literatür keine Auseinandersetzung stattgefunden. Mit dieser Arbeit ist beabsichtigt, im 287Zivilprzefcrecht in diesem Hinsicht ein Beitrag zu leisten. Hierbei werden unter "Gerichtsgebührerı- und ausgaben im Zivilprozeftrecht" im ersten Teil die Bedeutung der Gerichtsgebührerı- und ausgaben, die rechtliche Grundlage, die Bezihung mit der Freiheit auf Rechtsanspruch und die Gerichtskosten- und ausgaben nach der verschidenen Rechtssytemen untersucht. Im zweiten Teil werden die Art von Gerichtskosten und -ausgaben, die Verpflichtete, die Ort und Zeit der Bezahlung, die Bestimmung und Ergebnisse ausführlich dargestellt. Im dritten Teil werden die Art von Gerichtsgebühren und die Zeit des Verlangen, die Probleme der Gerichtsgebühren, die Bestimmungen und Ergebnisse erörtert. Im vierten Teil werden die gemeinsame Probleme der Gerichtsgeühren und -ausgaben werden untersucht. Aber von Gerichtsgebühren und -ausgaben sind die Haftungsfâlle sowie Anwaltskosten (obwohl sie eine Art von Gerichtskosten sind) stellen ein weites Thema dar und können deshalb allein das Thema einer anderen Arbeit sein. Deshalb werden in dieser Arbeit diese beide Themen nur kurz behandelt. Wie wir in unserer Arbeit zu untersuchen versuchen, haben die Gerichtsgebühren und -ausgaben hinsichtlich des Rechtsanspruchs und Rechtsverteidigen wichtige Fuktionen. Es ist heutzutage nicht möglich, dafl der Staat die Gerichtsgebühren und -ausgaben allein trâgt. Es ist auch genauso in vielen Hinsichten gefâhrlich, wenn die Gebühren sehr hoch sind. Denn in so einem Fall wird die Freiheit auf Rechtsanspruch beeintrâchtigt. Aulierdem führt dies in der Gesellschaft zur Ungerechtigkeit zwischen den Menschen, die unterschiedliche Einkommen haben. Urn diese Probleme zu beseitigen, sollte im Gerichtsgebührengesetz und in dne anderen Gesetze einige Ânderungen gemacht werden. 288