Fargani'nin 'Kitab el-Fusul' adlı astronomi eseri üzerine bir araştırma
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Unat, Yavuz
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Al-Farghânî, known as Alfraganus in the West, was one of the famous astronomers who had worked in Memun's dynasty. The Elements of Astronomy, which had been written by aJ-Farghânî, was one of the most popular books in astronomy in the West and in the East as well, and had been used as a handbook in astronomy until about fifteenth centuries. This work was written about 833 AD. It consisted of thirty parts and was about celestial motions and included a complete study on the science of the stars. Although it was a summary of Ptolemy's Almagest, some sections of the book were different from Almagest. Al-Farghânî had also presented the scientific knowledge of his time. For this reason, we assume that the book was kind of supplement of Almagets. This point of view indicates the reason why The Elements of Astronomy had immensely influenced the Western astronomy as well as the Eastern astronomy for a long time.
Felsefe = Philosophy