Çevrimiçi ve yüzyüze problem tabanlı öğrenme yaklaşımlarının öğrencilerin başarısına ve matematiğe yönelik tutumlarına etkisi
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This study aims at finding out the effect of the online and faceto-face problem-based learning approaches on student`s academicachievement, their attitudes towards mathematics and their viewstowards these learning approaches. The study was conducted atDepartment of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies,Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University. The subjects were 42freshman students attending to this department at the Autumn term of2006-2007 academic year. These students were put into two groups asonline problem-based learning and face-to-face problem-basedlearning. These groups were formed using random sampling techniquebenefiting from the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences forWindows, 11.0) programme. Through this programme, each groupsplitted into 5 sub-groups, in both online problem-based leaning andface-to-face learning groups, there 4 subjects in 8 sub-groups and 5subjects in the other two sub-groups. The research was conducted onMathematics-I while implementing the topic of `derivation?.In this research three different data collection tools were used.The first one is the attitudinal scale to find out the students? attitudestowards mathematics. The second one is the rubric for the students?performance to evaluate their problem-based skills. The last one is aquestionnaire including open-ended questions to find out the views ofthe students towards the process. All of these tools were developed bythe researcher himself.The data analysis was conducted through the sub-researchquestions identified. The statistical techniques used are ranked mean,Mann-Whitney U test, t-test for Paired Samples, and t-test forIndependent Samples. Content analysis was also used. For all thestatistical analysis .05 was defined as the level of the significance.According to the results, the ranked mean scores (7.70) ofachievement level of the students at the online problem-based learninggroup had higher than the students in the face-to-face problem-basedlearning group (3.30), which was also statistically significant (U = 1,500,p < 0,05). Considering the sub-problems, the ranked mean scores ofthe achievement level for the known and unknown information aboutthe problem, data collection, data analysis, generalizing the solutions,and reporting in the online problem-based learning group were higherthan the ones in the face-to-face problem based learning group.However, this result is not statistically significant. Considering sharingthe responsibility, feedback and presenting the solution, the score inthe online problem-based learning group is higher than the one in theother group, which is also statistically significant.According to changing the attitudes of the students towardsmathematics, the increase in the online problem-based learning groupwas not statistically significant in terms of the results of the pre andpost tests. Likewise, the increase in the face-to-face problem basedlearning group was not significant in the same tests. On the other hand,when the increases in these two groups were considered, the increasein the online problem-based learning is higher than the one in the othergroup. Nevertheless, this diference is not statistically significant.The aspects the students identified as entertaining in the onlineproblem-based learning group were increase in the friendship, thepositive impact of the method, place independence, focusing on thecommon purpose, and raising awareness in researching. In contrast,these aspects the students in the face-to-face problem-based learninggroup were increase in the friendship, focusing on the commonpurpose, and raising awareness in researching.The students in the online problem-based learning groupidentified the problems they faced with as access, difficulties in thedecision process, technological problems whereas the ones in the faceto-face problem-based learning group listed access, holiday times, finalweek, the degree for being closer within the group and sharing theresponsibilities.
Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme, Sanal Öğrenme Ortamları