Cilt:66 Sayı:03 (2019)


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    The rarely seen congenital anomaly in a queen: Unilateral ovarian agenesis
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Salar, Seçkin; Kurt, Serdal; Baştan, Ayhan; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Congenital malformations of the reproductive system are rarely encountered in queens and etiology is not known precisely. Agenesis of the ovary is one of the congenital anomalies and usually found incidentally during laparotomy operations. In this case, a 2-year-old female cat referred to the clinic for ovariohysterectomy is described. Before anesthesia and surgery, a routine examination was performed. In physical examinations and results of blood samples did not reveal any problem for the operation. After the pre-operative process, ovariohysterectomy was performed. Ovary and the uterine horn were identified on the right-side. However, only the uterine horn without any abnormality was detected on the left-side. The cat was diagnosed with unilateral ovarian agenesis. Then, a blood sample was taken to determine serum steroid hormone levels. Serum estradiol and progesterone levels were measured as 18 pg/ml and 1.4 ng/ml, respectively. As a conclusion, unilateral ovarian agenesis that is incidentally detected the laparotomy procedures were no adverse effect on sexual activity in queens.
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    Bir Avrasya porsuğunda (Meles meles) rastlanan parazitler
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Umur, Şinasi; Bölükbaş, Cenk Soner; Açıcı, Mustafa; Ateş, Celil; Gürler, Ali Tümay; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Parazitoloji Laboratuvarına getirilen, trafik kazasında ölmüş bir erkek porsuk parazitolojik açıdan sistematik olarak incelenmiştir. Parazitolojik inceleme sonucu porsuğun üç ektoparazit ve üç endoparazit türü ile enfekte olduğu saptandı. Ektoparazit olarak bir pire (Paraceras melis) ve iki kene türü (Ixodes ricinus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus), endoparazit olarak bir sestod (Mesocestoides melesi) ve iki nematod türü (Aonchotheca putorii, Molineus patens) belirlendi. Türkiye’de parazitlerin tümü için porsuk yeni konak, M. melesi ise Türkiye faunası için ilk bildirimdir.
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    Detection of allele and genotype frequencies of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, factor XI deficiency and complex vertebral malformation disease genes in Holstein cattle
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Çakmak, Neziha Hacıhasanoğlu; Yardibi, Hasret; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Hereditary diseases cause yield and economic loses. It is important to examine hereditary diseases at the molecular level and to remove diseases from the herd. In our study, it was aimed to determine allele frequencies of genes that cause bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, factor XI deficiency and complex vertebral malformation diseases in Holstein cattle. Blood samples were randomly taken from 300 Holstein cattle in different dairy farms in Kocaeli, Sakarya and Balıkesir provinces. Deoxyribonucleic acid samples were isolated from blood samples by using the standard ammonium acetate salt-out method. The target regions were amplified by polymerase chain reaction to determine the mutant alleles causing bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, factor XI deficiency and complex vertebral malformation. According to the nucleotide chromotograms of the samples subjected to bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency analysis, it was determined that 4 out of 300 cattle were heterozygous and 296 were homozygous. Polymerase chain reaction procedure for factor XI deficiency disease was sufficient, while samples amplified by polymerase chain reaction for complex vertebral malformation disease were subjected to restriction particle length polymorphism. Factor XI deficiency and complex vertebral malformation disease genes were all homozygous normal.
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    A recursive path model for estimation of the live weight using some body measurements in Awassi sheep
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-19) Özen, Doğukan; Kocakaya, Afşin; Ünal, Necmettin; Özbeyaz, Ceyhan; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Aim of this study was to investigate direct, indirect and total effects of body measurements on live weight in Awassi sheep and to derive prediction equations for estimation of the live weight. Live weight, head length, body length, withers height, chest depth, chest width and rump height measurements of 270 Awassi sheep at the age of 2-4 years raised at a private farm in Eskişehir Province, Turkey was used. A recursive path model was established to estimate the live weight of the Awassi sheep using these body measurements. Results showed that there was a significant indirect effect of withers height, rump height and body length and significant direct effect of chest depth, chest width and head length on live weight. The strongest predictor of live weight was chest depth, followed by chest width and head length. In conclusion, the equations given in this study could serve as a practical tool to predict the live weight of Awassi sheep.
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    The effect of centrally and peripherally injected CDP-choline on plasma nesfatin-1 level in rats
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Usta, Hikmet Aysın; Güvenç, Gökçen; Savcı, Vahide; Yalçın, Murat; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Nesfatin-1 has a role in appetite control and energy balance. The activity of the cholinergic system also is able to affect feeding behavior. Moreover, the central cholinergic system interacts with central nesfatinergic systems. The main goal of the study was to determine the effect of intracerebroventricular (icv) and intravenous (iv) administrated CDP-choline (0.5 ve 1 μmol; icv ve 250 mg / kg; iv) on levels of plasma nesfatin-1 in the homogeneous number of male and female fasted and the satiated Wistar albino rats. The polyethylene cannula was inserted into the carotid artery and jugular vein of the rats anesthetized with sevoflurane (2–4%/100% O2) to collect blood samples and to make iv injection, respectively. For icv treatment, the lateral ventricle of rats was cannulated with guide cannula. The basal levels of plasma nesfatin-1 in the satiated rats were higher than those observed in the fasted animals. While 0.5 and 1 μmol dose of icv and/or 250 mg/kg dose of iv injected CDP-choline increased the level of plasma nesfatin-1 in the satiated rats, plasma nesfatin-1 level of the fasted animals decreased after the same dose and route of CDP-choline injection. The current findings show that CDP-choline can influence the level of plasma nesfatin-1 in the rats. The effect of the drug was different according to the food intake of the rats. These data might suggest a potential role in CDP-choline on plasma nesfatin-1 concentration.
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    Farklı sarımsak yağı dozlarının, korunga otunun in vitro gaz üretimi, rumen fermantasyonu ve metan üretimi üzerine etkisi
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Uzatıcı, Ahmet; Canbolat, Önder; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Bu araştırma rumen sıvısına (RS) 0 (kontrol), 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200 ve 1600 mg/L sarımsak yağı (SY) ilavesinin korunga (Onobrychis sativa L.) otunun gerçek kuru madde sindirimi (GKMS), organik madde sindirimi (OMS), nötr deterjanda çözünmeyen lif sindirimi (NDFS), rumen sıvısı parametreleri ile karbondioksit (CO2) ve metan (CH4) gazı üretimi üzerine etkilerinin saptanması amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. Farklı SY dozlarının rumen fermantasyonu, OMS ve metabolik enerji (ME) düzeyinin saptanması için in vitro gaz üretim tekniği kullanılmıştır. Korunga otunun GKMS ve NDFS ise Daisy inkübatör tekniği ile saptanmıştır. Rumen sıvısına SY ilavesinin korunga otunun in vitro gaz üretimini, GKMS, OMS, NDFS ve metabolik enerji (ME) içerikleri ile rumen fermantasyonu sonucu oluşan toplam uçucu yağ asitleri (TUYA), asetik asit (AA), propiyonik asit (PA) ve butirik asit (BA) ve diğere uçucu yağ asidi düzeylerini azalttığı saptanmıştır (P<0.01). Ayrıca, rumen sıvısına farklı dozlarda SY ilavesi CH4 ve CO2 üretimini de düşürmüştür (P<0.01). Sonuç olarak, in vitro gaz üretimi, rumen fermantasyonu, besin maddeleri sindirimi, metan ve karbondioksit üretimi üzerinde, en fazla olumsuz etkili sarımsak yağı dozu 1600 mg/L RS olduğu saptanmıştır. Yüksek SY dozlarının rumen fermantasyonunu, yemlerin sindirimini olumsuz etkilemesi nedeniyle düşük dozlarda (400 mg/L RS) kullanılmasının uygun olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır.
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    Presence of Listeria species in ready-made meatballs offered by sale under freezing or cooling preservation
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) İşleyici, Özgür; Sancak, Yakup Can; Tuncay, Rabia Mehtap; Atlan, Mustafa; Veteriner Fakültesi
    This study was conducted to detect contamination level of Listeria species in ready-made meatballs kinds that are stored under frozen or cooled conditions. In isolations and identifications of Listeria species from the samples, method approved and suggested by USDA/FSIS (United States Department of Agriculture/Food Safety and Inspection Service) was used. The strains that were identified to be Listeria monocytogenes with biochemical tests was verified as species through Real Time PCR method by using a primary pair specific to hly A gene location. In this study, a total number of 290 different type ready-made meatball samples were analysed. As a result of examining all samples was isolated L. monocytogenes in 32 (11.04%) samples, L. ivanovii in 9 (3.10%) samples, L. innocua in 22 (7.59%) samples, L. welchimerii in 8 (2.76%) samples and also L. seeligeri in 4 (1.38%) samples. In the serotyping of the 32 L. monocytogenes strains isolated from the samples; 15 isolated are found to be Type 1, where 3 strains are found to be Type 4, 11 strains to be type Poly and the rest 3 strains could not typified. The Mean pH and water activity values for the samples were found to be 6.62±0.56 and 0.985±0.007 respectively. In the result of the study, identifying Listeria species especially L. monocytogenes in cooled and frozen ready-made meatball samples studied suggest that such products whose consumption increased in the recent years pose important risk in terms of public health.
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    Koyun orijinli Toxoplasma gondii izolatlarının multilokus PCR-RFLP yöntemi ile genotiplendirilmesi
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Gencay, Yılmaz Emre; Gökpınar, Sami; Babür, Cahit; Yıldız, Kader; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Bu çalışmada doğal enfekte koyunlardan elde edilen Toxoplasma gondii izolatlarının (n:10) genotiplendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla T. gondii izolatlarının dokuz lokusu (SAG1, SAG2, c22-8, L358, 5’-SAG2, 3’-SAG2, SAG3, BTUB and PK1) multipleks multilokus nested PCR-RFLP yöntemi ile amplifiye edilmiştir. Bunun sonucunda koyun orijinli T. gondii izolatlarının bir dizi lokusta birden çok allel barındırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Koyun izolatları (n: 8) iki lokusta (alt.SAG2 ve SAG3) tip II ve III, bir lokusta (c22-8) klonal tip II, bir lokusta (5'-SAG2) tip I ve III, bir lokusta (L358) I ve II ve bir lokusta (3'-SAG2) ise tip I/III alleli göstermiştir. Bir koyun izolatı; iki lokusta (alt.SAG2 ve L358) tip I, bir lokusta (c22-8) tip II, bir lokusta (BTUB) tip I ve II, bir lokusta (3'-SAG2) ise I/III alleli göstermiştir. Sonuncu koyun izolatı ise üç lokusta (SAG1, alt.SAG2 ve SAG3) tip III, iki lokusta (c22-8 ve L358) tip II, bir lokusta (3'-SAG2) I/III, bir lokusta (BTUB) ise tip I ve II allelleri göstermiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye’de koyunlarda T. gondii’nin genotiplendirilmesine ilişkin ilk rapordur. Genotiplendirmeye yönelik olarak parazite arakonaklık yapan farklı hayvanlardan ve çeşitli bölgelerden elde edilen izolatlar üzerinde çalışılması Türkiye’de T. gondii’nin bulaşma yolları ve tipleri hakkında önemli bilgiler elde etmeye katkı sağlayacaktır.
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    The effect of melatonin in rats with uterine torsion on uterus contractions, and the levels of ADMA, SDMA, arginine, Hsp90, TLR4, and NF-κB
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-07-14) Doğan, Halef; Rişvanlı, Ali; Saat, Nevzat; Gül, Hüseyin Fatih; İlhan, Necip; Şeker, İbrahim; Şahna, Engin; Veteriner Fakültesi
    In this study was aimed at reducing uterine damage and increasing fertility after uterine torsion in pregnant animals. With this aim, uterine torsion was experimentally formed in 35 rats that were between 18-19 days pregnant. The animals were randomly divided into five groups, and melatonin was administered prior to torsion, at the time of torsion, and detorsion (10 mg/kg/gün IP). Ovario-hysterectomy operation was performed on all animals on the first day following parturition. Subsequently, from the obtained uterus samples, determination of the levels of asymmetrical dimethyl arginin (ADMA), symmetrical dimethyl arginin (SDMA), and arginine was made using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and levels of Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), TLR4 (Toll Like Receptor 4) and NFκB (Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) were measured using the Western blot technique. The contraction-relaxation responses of the myometrium were also determined in the organ baths. According to the results of the western blot, higher protein expressions than those of the control group were determined in the second, third, fourth, and fifth groups in Hsp90, TLR4, NF-κB. The lowest values of arginine and ADMA were found in Group 3, whilst the lowest SDMA value was determined in Group 1. It was determined that melatonin reduces tissue damage secondary to torsio uteri and, furthermore, that administration of this hormone at the time of torsion formation was more effective than its administration at the time of detorsion.
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    Analysis of Prion Protein Coding Gene Polymorphisms in Palestinian Native Sheep Breeds
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Ün, Cemal; Alak, Sedef Erkunt; Alsayed, Osama; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Prion protein coding gene (PRNP) is the genetic locus correlated with the greatest impact on classical scrapie susceptibility in sheep. At codons 136, 154, and 171 of PRNP alanine/arginine/glutamine (ARQ) and valine/arginine/glutamine (VRQ) haplotypes, in turn, are related to susceptibility to classical scrapie while alanine/arginine/arginine ARR haplotype is correlated with resistance. The aim of the present study was to genotype the Palestinian native sheep breeds for detection of genetic resistance. A total of 38 healthy sheep from Awassi and Assaf breeds were randomly sampled. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples. After PCR amplification and DNA sequencing, ARQ, ARR, ARH, AHQ, ARL and VRQ alleles and ARR/ARQ, ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/ARL, ARH/ARQ, ARH/ARL, AHQ/ARQ and ARQ/VRQ genotypes were detected in PRNP gene. ARQ allele was found as a predominant allele in this study with the frequency of 0.76 for Awassi and Assaf breeds while the uncommon allele ARL was identified at low frequencies in both breeds. In addition, two different polymorphisms were recognized (V12I and L23H) at different codons of PRNP. Results have indicated that most of the genotypes belong to risk group 3. The careful dissemination of ARR/ARR sheep is suggested to increase resistant allele frequencies in Assaf and Awassi breeds.
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    Molecular survey of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species in cattle from Karaman of Turkey, including a novel tandem report of Anaplasma marginale msp1a gene
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Aydın, Mehmet Fatih; Özübek, Sezayi; Aktaş, Münir; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Tick-borne pathogens cause serious health problems and loss of productivity in domesticated and wild animals. A molecular study was performed to detect the frequency of infection with Anaplasma/Ehrlichia (A/E) in cattle from Karaman province of Turkey. Venous blood samples were taken from 150 apparently healthy cattle in 2016. After amplification the hypervariable V1 region of the 16S rRNA gene of A/E species, a reverse line blot (RLB) assay was performed using species-specific probes. Since some samples gave signal only to A/E catch-all probe, the samples analyzed in terms of major surface proteins (MSPs) of Anaplasma marginale. Genetic diversity and tandem repeat analysis were made for msp1α gene sequences of A. marginale. Anaplasma-like bodies were detected in four (2.66%) animals via microscopic examination. Anaplasma centrale was detected in eight (5.33%) animals via RLB. When the samples were examined in terms of A. marginale msp1a gene with semi-nested PCR, a total of nine (6.00%) animals [six of them (4.00%) were positive for A. centrale with RLB] were found to be infected with A. marginale. In addition, the sequences of MSP1a amplicons revealed one new tandem repeat (Tr70). According to these results, it was determined that A. marginale and A. centrale were found in cattle in Karaman province and this study provided the first evidence of genetic diversity of A. marginale with one new tandem repeat in cattle in the region.
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    Hayvan Hastanelerinde Acil, Veteriner Klinik Hizmetleri ve Hasta Sahibi Memnuniyet Kriterleri Ölçekleri: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Çevrimli, Mustafa Bahadır; Mat, Burak; Günlü, Aytekin; Tekindal, Mustafa Agah; Günlü, Zehra; Veteriner Fakültesi
    Veteriner klinikleri ve hayvan hastanelerinin hasta sahiplerine ait beklentileri en üst düzeyde karşılamaları ve memnuniyet düzeylerini artırmaları hayvan sağlığı hizmeti veren kurumların kârlılık, verimlilik ve sürdürülebilirliğinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada amaç, hasta sahiplerinin memnuniyeti konusunda bir ölçme aracı geliştirmek ve bu ölçme aracının geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışmasının yapılmasıdır. Çalışmada Hasta Sahibi Memnuniyet Kriterleri Ölçeği (HSMK-Ö), Hasta Sahibi Memnuniyet Değerlendirme Ölçeği-Acil (HSMD-A), Veteriner Klinik Hizmet Memnuniyeti Ölçeği (VKHM-Ö) ölçme araçlarının yapı geçerliliği yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya başlamadan önce yapılan güç analizi (%80.121 güçle) sonucu belirlenen, 212 hasta sahibine uygulanmıştır. Yapı geçerliliği için; güvenirlik analizlerinde Cronbach Alfa ( ) katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Geçerlik analizi için faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. HSMK-Ö; HSMD-A; VKHM-Ö maddeleri Varimax döndürme yöntemi sonucunda tek faktörlü bir yapı olarak belirlenmiştir. Geliştirilen ölçeklerde HSMK-Ö’de 14 madde, HSMD-A’da 8 madde, VKHM-Ö’de 18 madde için hesaplanan Cronbach Alfa ( ) güvenilirliği katsayıları sırasıyla 0.759; 0.936; 0.778 çıkmıştır. Açıklanan toplam varyans incelendiğinde HSMK-Ö ve VKHM-Ö’de 4, HSMD-A’da tek faktörün bulunduğu ve bu ölçülen özelliğin her ölçek için sırasıyla %58.06; %61.375; %70.39’ unun ölçüldüğü söylenebilir. HSMK-Ö, HSMD-A ve VKHM-Ö ölçme araçlarının geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu söylenebilir. Türkiye’de yapılacak farklı örneklem gruplarındaki hasta sahibi memnuniyetine ait çalışmalarda kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması önerilmektedir.
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    Effects of genotype and housing system on some bone biomechanical characteristics in broiler chickens
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Süzer, Bayram; Tüfekçi, Kenan; Arıcan, İlker; Petek, Metin; Veteriner Fakültesi
    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of two genotypes (slow-growing and fast-growing) and three housing systems (deep litter, plastic slat and free-range) on some bone biomechanical properties of broiler chickens and to evaluate the interaction between genotype and housing systems. Broilers from two genotypes were reared at three different housing conditions. Fifteen bones were randomly selected from each housing system in both slow-growing and fast-growing groups, and the experiment was performed on 90 bones in total. To determine bone characteristic and biomechanical traits of tibiotarsi, bones collected from right leg and then weighed, cortical area measurements and three-point bending tests were applied. Both live body weight and carcass weight were significantly affected by genotype and housing systems. There was no interaction between genotype and housing system in terms of bone weight, cortical area, breaking strength, bending strength, and deflection. Also, housing systems had no statistical effect on these parameters. Fast-growing broilers were significantly had heavier tibiotarsi, larger cortical area and higher breaking strength than slow-growing broilers, while bending strength was significantly lower in fast-growing broilers. Deflection was not affected by genotype or by housing system. In conclusion, bone geometry and biomechanical properties were not affected by housing systems but by genotype. Fast-growing broilers had better bone morphology and stronger bones than slow-growing genotype. Therefore, fast-growing genotype can provide positive effects on bone growth and mechanical properties in broilers.
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    Determination of phthalates in some milk products by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Korkmaz, Seda Dicle; Küplülü, Özlem; Veteriner Fakültesi
    This study was aimed to determine the presence and amount of the phthalates in yoghurt and ayran samples consumed in Turkey. For this purpose, 36 yoghurt and 24 ayran samples were used as materials in original packages collected from different markets in Turkey. The presence and the amounts of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP), di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) and diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) were determined by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The results of the analysis howed that DBP, DEHP and BBP were present in the yoghurt samples whereas DINP, DIDP and DNOP were found to be lower than the detectable limit 20 μg/kg. The lowest and the highest mounts of DBP, DEHP and BBP in yoghurt samples are 6-229, 24-122, 22-63 μg/kg respectively. The lowest and highest phthalate amounts in ayran samples are determined to be 38-59 μg/kg for DBP and 26-81 μg/kg for DEHP. According to the results, although DEHP and DBP were the main phthalate esters in all milk products that were analyzed, the phthalate values of the samples were found to be less than the limit values (P<0.001).
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    Effects of dietary supplementation of betaine and sepiolite supplementation on performance and intestinal health in broilers
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019-06-14) Uzunoğlu, Kübra; Yalçın, Sakine; Veteriner Fakültesi
    The aim of the study was to explain the effects of betaine and sepiolite in diets on performance, carcass characteristics, some blood parameters and some intestinal health parameters in broilers. A total of 192 daily Ross 308 male broiler chicks were divided into one control group and three experiment groups each containing 48 chicks. Betaine and sepiolite was added as top dressed to the diets of experimental groups at the level of 0.15% betaine (1st group), 1.5% sepiolite (2nd group) and 0.15% betaine + 1.5% sepiolite (3rd group). Sepiolite and betaine were not added to the diet of control group. The experimental period was 6 weeks. No differences were observed in body weight, overall body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, carcass yield and the relative weights of gizzard, heart, liver, spleen and bursa of Fabricius among groups. The relative weight of abdominal fat decreased with betaine usage. Supplemental betaine increased relative percentage of kidney weight. Dietary supplementation of betaine with sepiolite had some positive effects on intestinal histomorphology characteristics. The level of serum triglyceride was reduced with 0.15% betaine inclusion in the diet. Albumin, cholesterol, protein, uric acid, AST, ALP and ALT levels of blood serum were not affected by betaine with and without sepiolite supplement. Blood serum IgG level was increased by dietary supplementation of betaine with and without sepiolite. It is concluded that the dietary usage of betaine with sepiolite in broilers can be useful in the field due to having some improvements in intestinal histomorphology and immunity.