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Item Aile Destek Ölçeği: faktör yapısı, güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışmaları(2003) Kaner, SemaAile Destek Ölçeği (ADO) yetersizliğe sahip çocuğu olan anababaların sosyal destek algılarını ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır Bu makalede ADO'nın faktör yapısı, geçerliği ve güvenirliği ile ilgili çalışmaların sonuçları özetlenmiştir Faktör analizi sonucunda duygusal destek, bilgi desteği, bakım desteği, yakın ilişki desteği ve maddi destek olarak kavramsallaştırılan 5 alt boyut bulunmuştur Hesaplanan test-yenıden test, ıkı yarım güvenirliği ve Cronbach Alfa güvenirlik katsayıları doyurucu düzeydedir Çokboyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği ile yapılan geçerlik çalışması ıkı araç arasındaki ilişki katsayısının anlamlı ve yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir Algılanan anababa desteğinin çocukların yaşlarına ve cinsiyetlerine göre farklılaştığı bulunmuştur. Family Support Scale (FSS) ıs developed to mvestıgate the perceıved socıal suport of parents' wıth dısabled chıldren The aım ofthıs artıcle ıs to summarıze the results of studıes related wıth factorıal structure, relıabılıty and valıdıty of the FSS The results of factor analysıs ındıcated that the FSS had fiv e factors whıch were conceptualızed as emotıonal support, ınformatıonal support, caregıvıng support, ıntımate relatıons support and fmancıal support Accordıng to the results of relıabılıty studıes, the ınternal consıstency and test-retest relıabılıtıes of both total and subscale scores were quıte hıgh The crıterıon valıdıty study showed that the correlatıons between FSS and Multıdımensıonal Percıeved Socıal Support Scale scores were sıgnıfıcantly hıgh Perceıved parental support varıed by the gender and the ages of the chıldrenItem Arkadaşlık becerilerini geliştirme programının özel gereksinimi olan ve olmayan okul öncesi çocuklarının sosyal etkileşimlerine etkisi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006) Özaydın, Latife; İftar, Elif Tekin; Kaner, Sema; Özel EğitimIn this study, the purpose is to determine the effect of the Programme on Development of Friendship Skills (PDFS) delivered to children who attend pre-school education institutions and demonstrate normal development, on increasing their mutual interactive behaviours with their peers who have limited social interaction skills and special needs.There were thirteen children with normal development and four children with special needs in the study. The four children with special needs who were the participants of the study served as ?target children? and the children with normal development who were trained to apply PDFS in the classes of the target children served as ?trained peers?. The classroom teachers were asked what kinds of skills were necessary to be learned by the target children in order to make friends and PDFS was prepared in accordance with their opinions. In the study, peer-initiated instruction which is one of peer-mediated instruction techniques was used for increasing the social interaction of target children with limited social interaction skills with their peers. The training process of the peers with normal development was carried out by the researcher in small groups, by use of direct training method.In the research, for testing the implementation reliability, effectiveness, generalization, maintenance and socio-metric evaluation data, multipleprobe across subjects design with probe conditions which is one of single-subject research models was used.Implementation reliability data was collected in 30% of all sessions for determining whether the trained peers implemented the friendship skills training reliably or not and it was seen that the trained peers implemented the friendship skills stages reliably in terms of implementation reliability findings.Effectiveness, generalization and maintenance data were obtained by registering the social interaction behaviours between the trained peers and target children in the ?Social Interaction Behaviours Check List? by event recording technique, in the free play activity and were evaluated by graphical analysis. As a result, a significant increase was detected in the social interaction behaviours of the two groups of children aimed at each other, after the implementation of PDFS by the trained peers. It was also observed that the social interaction behaviours between the peers maintained acquired skills above the initial level average in the 3rd and 4th weeks following the collection of final probe data. Concerning the generalization findings, it was observed that the target children could generalize what they learned to the other two peers at a rate similar to the social interaction behaviours they had with the trained peers.Socio-metric data were evaluated by ?Friendship Train Socio-metric Evaluation Instrument? and the order of preference of the target children as playmates by the trained peers increased significantly after the implementation condition.viItem Kaynaştırma ve risk grubu öğrencilerinin ders çalışma becerilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006) Kesiktaş, Ayşe Dolunay; Kaner, Sema; Özel EğitimThe purpose of this study was to identify student, parent and teacherperceptions of study skills of 8-15 year old students in mainstreaming as well asparent and teacher perceptions of their study skills supporting behaviors for thesestudents, according to certain variables. In the first phase of the study, fivemeasurement scales were developed to gather such data and these scales wereadministered to 588 students, 555 parents and 98 regular classroom teachers in 16primary schools sited in Ankara, Adana and Kırıkkale. The data were thoroughlyanalyzed for validity and reliability. In the second phase, the scales together with adescriptive data form, were administered to 85 students, their parents and 22 regularclassroom teachers in a primary mainstreaming school located in Ankara and datawere analyzed in relation to students? age, gender, special educational needs,academic achievement and study environment. T-test and Mann-Whitney U Testswere used for statistical analyses. According to the results, student, parent andteacher perceptions of students? study skills differed in relation to the variablesmentioned and parents and teachers did not differ in their study skills supportingbehaviors, with the exception of students? age factor.xiiItem Özel eğitim ve genel eğitim öğretmenlerinin tükenmişliklerine etki eden değişkenlerin irdelenmesi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009) Yüksel, Begümhan; Kaner, SemaBu çalışmada özel eğitim ve genel eğitim öğretmenlerinin meslekitükenmişlik düzeylerine etki eden değişkenler bir model çerçevesindeirdelenmiştir.Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2006–2007 eğitim-öğretim yılında Antalya İlmerkezindeki resmi ve özel ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okullarında ve resmi veözel özel eğitim okullarında görev yapmakta olan 450 öğretmenoluşturmaktadır.Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizlerinde yapısal eşitlik modelindeyer alan yol analizi kullanılmıştır. Göstergelerin örtük değişkenleri ne orandatemsil ettiğinin saptanması amacıyla önce ölçme modelleri test edilmiştir.Daha sonra, ölçme modeli tarafından doğrulanan yapılar arasındaki ilişkileriaraştırmak için iki alternatif ve bir temel yapısal model test edilmiştirAnalizler sonucunda elde edilen bulgular aşağıda özetlenmiştir.1. Birinci alternatif yapısal modelde, özel eğitim ve genel eğitimöğretmenlerinin mesleki tükenmişlik düzeyleri, mesleki öz-yetkinlik inançları,mesleki sosyal destek algıları, problem davranışlara yükledikleri nedenselfaktörler, problem davranışlardan rahatsız olma dereceleri ve problemdavranışlarla başa çıkma yolları arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Bu modelde,her iki öğretmen grubunda da çoğu uyum indeksinin kabul değeri koşullarınıkarşılamaması ve özel eğitim öğretmenleri için test edilen modelde, problemdavranışlar–rahatsız edici davranışlar ile mesleki yetkinlik, mesleki sosyaldestek ile problem davranışlar–başa çıkma, problem davranışlar–rahatsız edici davranışlar ile problem davranışlar–başa çıkma; genel eğitimöğretmenleri için test edilen modelde ise, problem davranışlar–rahatsız edicidavranışlar ile mesleki tükenmişlik, problem davranışlar–rahatsız edicidavranışlar ile mesleki yetkinlik, problem davranışlar–rahatsız edicidavranışlar ile problem davranışlar–başa çıkma, mesleki yetkinlik ile problemdavranışlar–başa çıkma değişkenleri arasındaki t değerlerinin anlamlıçıkmaması nedeniyle bu modelin her iki grup için de kabul koşullarınıkarşılamadığı belirlenmiştir.2. İkinci alternatif yapısal modelde, özel eğitim ve genel eğitimöğretmenlerinin mesleki tükenmişlik düzeyleri, mesleki öz-yetkinlik inançları,mesleki sosyal destek algıları ve problem davranışlarla başa çıkma yollarıarasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Bu modelde, her iki öğretmen grubu için deçoğu uyum indeksinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak,özel eğitim öğretmenleri için test edilen modelde, mesleki sosyal destek ileproblem davranışlar–başa çıkma yolları arasında, genel eğitim öğretmenleriiçin test edilen modelde ise mesleki yetkinlik ile problem davranışlar–başaçıkma yolları arasındaki t değerlerinin anlamlı çıkmaması nedeniyle bumodelin her iki grup için de kabul koşullarını karşılamadığı belirlenmiştir.3. Temel modelde, mesleki tükenmişlik, mesleki yetkinlik ve meslekisosyal destek değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Bu modelde, heriki öğretmen grubu için çoğu uyum indeksinin kabul değeri koşullarınıkarşıladığı belirlenmiştir. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler incelendiğinde ise,her iki öğretmen grubunda da mesleki sosyal desteğin mesleki yetkinliğianlamlı ve olumlu yönde, mesleki tükenmişliği ise anlamlı ve olumsuz yöndeetkilediği; mesleki yetkinliğin mesleki tükenmişliği anlamlı ve olumsuz yöndeetkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumda, temel modelin bütün modeller içindekabul edilebilir en iyi model olduğuna karar verilmiştir.AbstractThis study aims to analyze the variables influencing the vocationalburnout level of special and general education teachers within the frameworkof a model.The sampling of the research consists of 450 teachers serving inpublic and private elementary and secondary schools and public and privatespecial education schools located in the city centre of Antalya during theacademic year 2006-2007.The path analysis used in the structural equality model has been usedfor the statistical analysis of data. First, the measurement models have beentested in order to find how the results represent latent variables; afterwards,two alternative models and a basic structural model have been tested inorder to investigate the relations between the measurement model verifiedstructures.The findings are summarized as follows:1.In the first alternative structural model, the relation between theburnout level of special and general education teachers, their beliefs abouttheir self-efficacy, their perceptions about vocational social support, thecauses of behavior problems, their level of disturbance over behaviorproblems and the ways of coping with this behavior problems have beenexamined. This model has been observed to fail on different grounds. First,many of the goodness of fit indexes have failed to meet the acceptableconditions. Furthermore, t values concerning the relation between behaviorproblems - disturbing behaviors and vocational efficacy; vocational socialsupport and behavior problems -ways of coping with them; behavior problems -disturbing behaviors –ways of coping have been observed to beinsignificant. On the other, the model tested for general education teachershas presented meaningless results for the relation between behaviorproblems - disturbing behaviors and vocational burnout, behavior problems -disturbing behaviors and vocational efficacy, behavior problems –disturbingbehaviors and ways of coping with them, and vocational efficacy andbehavior problems -ways of coping with them.2. In the second structural alternative model, the burnout level ofspecial and general education teachers, their self-efficacy beliefs, and theirperceptions related with vocational social support and their ways of copingwith them have been examined. In this model, it has been observed thatmany of the goodness of fit indexes for both groups seemed acceptable. But,the model tested for the special education teachers failed to meet theacceptable conditions since the t values concerning the relation between thevariables of vocational social support and behavior problems -ways of copingwith them have been found to be insignificant. On the other hand, the modeltested for general education teachers was observed to be inapplicable sincethe t values concerning the relation between the variables of vocationalefficacy and behavior problems -ways of coping with them have been foundto be insignificant. Therefore, the model has been considered to fail inmeeting the acceptable conditions for both groups.3. In the basic model, the relation between the variables of vocationalburnout, vocational efficacy and vocational social support have beeninvestigated. In this model, many of the goodness of fit indexes have beenobserved to meet the acceptable values for both teacher groups. When therelation between the variables have been dwelled on, it has been understoodthat vocational social support influenced the vocational efficacy in ameaningful and positive way while it exerted significant and negativeinfluence on vocational burnout. On the other hand, it has been beholden thatvocational efficacy affected vocational burnout in a significant and negativeway. As a result of these findings, it has been decided that the basic modelproved to be the most acceptable and applicable among all the models.Item Sosyal beceri eğitiminin sosyal içedönük ergenlerin içedönüklük düzeylerine etkisi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997) Dikmeer, Deniz İlkiz Altınoğlu; Kaner, Sema; Özel Eğitimin the present study, the effectiveness of Social Skills Training (SST) program developed for socially withdrawn adolescents was investigated. After an informed consent form was obtained, 12 adolescents were assigned to experimental and control groups (6 to each group) according to their order of application to the Adolescence Unit of the Psychiatry Clinic in Ankara Social Security Hospital. Ali subjects were socially withdrawn, shy, had difficulties in getting into peer groups, and in being assertive. Training group received 12 one-hour SST sessions, vvhereas control group had no treatment directed at social skills. MMPI - Social Introversion (Si) Scale was administered to both groups at the beginning (pretest) and the end (posttest) of the 12 week study. Data analyzed by using Mann-VVhitney U and Wilcoxon Tests. VVithin-group differences showed a considerable improvement in social introversion level of the social skills training group.Item Suçluluğu açıklayan yaklaşımlar(Ankara Üniversitesi: Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 1992) Kaner, Sema; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesiİnsan toplumsal bir varlık olarak tanımlanır. Bununla birlikte insanların zaman zaman toplumsal beklentilere ters düşen davranışlarda bulundukları, bazılarının ise bunu bir yaşam biçimi haline getirdikleri ve toplumsal düzeni yıkıcı bir tutum içine girdikleri gözlenmektedir. Suç olarak kabul edilen bu davranışlar, küçük ve.resmi olmayan gruplarda o grubun kendi kurallarıyla; daba büyük ya da resmi kurumlarda kural, yönetmelik ve yasalarla; toplumda ise kınama, toplum dışına itme gibi geleneksel yollarla veya ceza ile kontrol edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu sosyal kontrol mekanizmalarının her biri, toplum kurallarını çiğneyenlere karşı yaptırımlar koyarlar (Binder, 1988). Suç, bir taraftan yasaların cay-etki siyi e kontrol altına alınmaya çalışılırken, diğer taraftan suçun biyolojik, sosyolojik ve psikolojik nedenleri ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmakta ve önleme çareleri araştırılmaktadır. Suç davranışını inceleyen bilim adamları çeşitli kuramlar ileri sürmüşlerdir. Konuyu anlamamıza katkıda bulunan bu kuramların hiçbiri, suçu açıklamada tek başına yeterli olmamaktadır. Pek çok kuramcı, suçluların tümünü tek bir kategoriye yerleştirmenin yararlı olmadığını, çeşitli değişkenlere dayalı ve ayrıntdı kategorilere ihtiyaç bulunduğunu ileri sürmektedirler (Eisenberg ve Patterson, 1979).Item The psychometric properties of the parent, teacher and student versions of the study skills scale(2008) Kaner, Sema; Kesiktaş, A. DolunayThis study aimed at developing the parent, teacher and student versions of The Study Skills Scale in order to assess the study skills of elementary school students. The construct validity of the three scales was tested by Principal Components Analysis. Item total correlations were also conducted, together with independent samples t-test in order to determine the meaningful difference between the top and the bottom %27 groups. The reliabilities of the scales and their subscales were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha, split half and test – retest reliability estimates. The results taken together showed that all three scales had good psychometric properties and thus could be used to assess the study skills of elementary school students. A further analysis using the Pearson correlations showed consistencies among the three scales.Item Zihinsel engelli çocuğu olan annelerin umutsuzluk, karamsarlık, sosyal destek algılarının ve gelecek planlarının incelenmesi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005) Erhan, Gamze Gölalmış; Kaner, Sema; Özel EğitimINVESTIGATION OF HOPELESNESS, PESSIMISM, SOCIAL SUPPORT SENSE and FUTURE PLANS OF MOTHERS WHO HAVE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN Gamze GÖLALMIŞ ERHAN Master Thesis, Special Education Department Thesis Consultant: Prof. Dr. Sema KANER In this research, we will be examining the issue whether the degree of hopelessness, despair that mothers who have mentally retarded children have, perceive, whether the social support perceptions, future plans change or not according to the variables related to mother and child; whether the social support, degree of despair and future plans that mothers perceive determine their hopelessness or not. Our research group is formed of 425 mothers who have mentally retarded children that go to special training schools and take private classes and that are premised to be retarded but still trainable according to health reports. In this research, data is received through Data Collection Form, The Hopelessness Scale, The Questionnaire On Resource and Stress-F Pessimism Scale, Family Support Scale and a researcher who researches the fear of future and future plans through Future- Related Plan Scale. In order to determine whether the mothers' perception degree of hopelessness, despair, fear of future and degree of social support differ according to their ages, education and income or not, we used a one way variance analysis and then checked the source of difference in meaningful outcomes with Scheffe Test. We used two way variance analysis in order to determine whether the mothers' degree of perception for hopelessness, despair, fear of future and degree of social support differ or not according tothe variables related to the child. We used multi regression analysis in order to determine whether the perception of mothers' social support, despair and fear of future determine their hopelessness or not. Finally, the percentage of the answers given to the questions that are prepared by the reserachers as who is going to look after the child after his/ her mother and the instensity of the social support net are revealed. According to the result of this research, it is apparent that the mothers' perception of hopelessness, despair, degree of social support does not differ related to the mother's age, however, it differs according to her level of education and income; besides that, future plans also change according to her level of education and income. When it comes to the variables related to the child, mother's perception of hopelessness, despair and degree of social support and future plans do not make difference according to the child' s age and sex but it does make difference according to the child' s level of mental retardation and the duration of special trainings that the child takes. According to the regression analysis outcomes, mother perception of despair, level of social support and future plans determine their hopelessness. 26% of mothers stated that they do make future plans for their children and a great amount of them declared that they are not anxious about future care compensations of their children. Finally, 38.2% of mothers declared that they belive brothers or sisters will take care of their mentally retarded brother or sister after them.Item Zihinsel engelli ve engelli olmayan çocuğa sahip annelerde yılmazlığa etki eden değişkenlerin incelenmesi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010) Bayraklı, Hatice; Kaner, Sema; Özel EğitimThe purpose of this study is to search the factors affecting resiliency of mothers having a mentally retarded and non disabled child within a model.The sample of this study consists of 234 mothers of nondisabled children attending public schools applying mainstream education and 257 mothers of mentally retarded children attending public schools applying mainstream education, vocational public schools for students with disabilities and special education schools located in the city centre of Ankara during the academic year 2008-2009.Personal Information Survey, Mother Resiliency Scale, The Ways of Coping Inventory- Turkish Version and Renewed Scale of Parents Social Support were applied to the mothers.The data collected from the study was analyzed by using path analysis within the structural equation modeling. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to confirm measurement models to see how well observed variables represent latent variables. After confirmation of measurement models, two alternative and a basic structural models were tested to investigate the relationships between the verified structures. The first and second alternative models were not verified. The basic model, which is confirmed, consists of two parts. In the first part, the effect of quantitative social support on problem oriented coping and resiliency, and the effect of problem oriented coping on resiliency in mothers of nondisabled and mentally retarded children were tested. In the second part, the effect of qualitative social support on problem oriented coping and resiliency, and the effect of problem oriented coping on resiliency in mothers of nondisabled and mentally retarded children were tested. Model was verified in both groups of mothers. Relationships between the variables for both groups showed that quantitative and qualitative social support affect problem oriented coping in a positive and moderate way. Both dimensions of the social support affect the resiliency in a low and positive way. Finally, problem oriented coping affects the resiliency in a high and positive way.