Comparatıve bıometrıc and morphologıcal analysıs of subgenus terrıcola (rodentıa: mıcrotus) ın eastern black sea regıon from Turkey

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Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi


In the scope of current study, 41 specimens of the subgenus Terricola collected from nine different localities in Trabzon, Rize and Artvin provinces in Eastern Black Sea Region were subjected to detailed morphological and comparative biometric analyses. Based on those analyses; presence of two species, Microtus (Terricola) subterraneus and Microtus (Terricola) majori were determined in the region. Evaluation of the 12 specimens belonging to M. (T.) subterraneus showed that there is no intrapopulational variation within this species. Two different populations of M. (T.) majori were determined in the region studied, based on morphological differentiations in enamel cusp patterns of 29 specimens. Additionally, as a result of the evaluations made, it was determined that both species could be found in the similar habitats throughout study area and therefore that these two species can be coexist as sympatric within the same geographic area.



Terricola, Morphology, Biometry, Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
