Halide Edip Adıvar ve romanlarında Cumhuriyet Dönemi yeni kadın kimliği

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This thesis studied the new female identity that is defended by Halide Edip as a female writer considering her autobiography the works that she has written during two period of Turkey in both Ottoman period and Republic period. The course of time from Ottoman period to Republic and the female identity in between represents an important era where the arguments about the female identity was intensified, and the crisis of identity of community has been spelled out through the statements developed aboud women. Westernization and nationalism has provided a hypothesis creationera in order to provide their integration with economical and politicalenviroment and to cause them contribute and duly support to the national project. In this thesis it was attemted to analyze the relationship between the transformation of westernization and nationalism and female identities, having considered the sampling of Halide Edip. The woman question and the hypothesis of "new women", includes a double hypothesis regarding the women in the societies being in course of transformation where modernization/westernization process is on, while frequently depended on exceeding the traditional sexual notions with respect to emancipating them from the traditional ties and other sexual notions that are frequently depended on and benefited from. As a matter of comman expression, the initiatives forwarded to the concept with respect to emancipating women shall mean to stop on a point which will be defined by nationalism, and to cast the women as the actors to outline the borders of what national is. There is no doubt that, this is closely related to the level of relations the society being in the process of such modernization with west and the supporting elements of the national identity. Halide Edip Adıvar, is an intellectual who having taken the advantages of the opportunities offered by her social class, has achieved creating many works in the field of literature during the period from the 2nd Constitutional period to 1950s, a columnist, a lecturer while having taken part in the process of westernization and nationalism as well as in various organizations and national war and participated in the relevant conferences and negotiations. Thus, the female identity she suggested and pioneered herself bears the traces of policy and deliberations that is related to the women in Ottoman-Turk modernization. During the 2nd Constitutional period, Halide Edip having severeley criticized the wide spread traditional understandinf of feminity, kept defending woman intellectualism that is to be realized throgh education. Such female identity 212that she suggested during this initial period, represents an urban female sampling with a consciousness of social responsibilities. The main factors that this sampling depended on, are the relations between the roles of maternity of women and the patriotism. The educated maternity model of the initial period was transformed and evolved into a nationalist female model that had dedicated herself to the country under the effects of Turkish nationalism.This new nationalist female model was expanded so as to include not only urban top class women but also the Anatolian women and the ones from other classes of society and set a connection between them and the national ideals accordingly. This change in regards of such female identities suggested by Halide Edip is monitored best in her novels. Altough Halide Edip has intended to create a reliable model provided by nationalism with no dilemma and contradiction for the heroines in her novels, she has reflected the stress of relations between modernism and women in her initial novels. In respect to the female identities which time to time contradicts the dominant gender models whom she defended and pioneered still preserves its update property even today in terms of questioning the relations between nationalism, modernizm and women. 213



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