Sünni kelamın öncülerinden İbn Küllab'ın kelami görüşleri

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¥any Copmanions of the Prophet Muhammad are considered the sources of Sunni Theology. Sources of Theology show that Ali, a prominent companion, argued with Qadariyya the issues of Meshiah and istitaat. Abdallah ibn Umar is another prominant companion in relation LO the matter under discussion. Also, the contribuıion of Hasan al-Basri, al-Sha'bi and Umar ıbn Abdalaziz is well-known. The later four leading Mujtahids-Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafii and ıbn Hanbal argued against their opponents in certain isues of Theology (!ike Tawhid, Major sins, Iman-Islam, Istiwa, Sifats, Qaza, Qadar, khalq al-Qur' an) and made their contributions to the Sunni Theology. Those who lead in establishing the Sunni Theology in a systematic way are ıbn al-Kullab and hisfriends and al-Muhasibi and al-Kalanisi. ıbn al-Kullah put emphasis on Sifats (attributes) and names of God and is one of the leading scholars who first said that God's attributes are' neither the same as his Zat (essence) nor different from (his Zat). In contrast wihth Mu'tazi/a, ıbn al-Kullah argues against the creation of the Qur'an. But ıbn al-Kullab and his frends make a different hranch of Sunni Theology. They, in contradiction to Ashab al-Hadith, think that the letters ete. of the Qur'an and the (words of) amr and nahy may not be eonsidered unereated. What is not created, in their view , is Kalam Nafsi. We can say that Kalam Nafsi and Ma 'na are the prime concepts of lbn Kullab and hisjriends.



lbn al-Kullab, al-Kalanisi, al-Muhasibi, zat, Sifat and Names (Asma), Kalamullah, Mahluk (the created), Gayr-i Mahluk (the uncreated), Amr, Letter (harf), nahy, iman

