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Item Merkepte (Equus asinus) arteria celiaca ve dallarının makroanatomik incelenmesi(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008) Karakurum, Emine; Dursun, Nejdet; AnatomiMacroanatomic Investigation of the Celiac Artery and Its Branches in Donkey (Equus asinus)In this study arteria celiaca of ten donkeys was investigated. All materials were filled with latex and dissected.It was observed that a. celiaca was originated from ventral wall of aorta abdominalis at the level of hiatus aorticus. Firstly a. hepatica leaved and after this a. gastrica sinistra leaved and runs as a. lienalis.It was determined that a. hepatica was first leaved a. celiaca alone and originated from the right root.It was detected that a. hepatica gives rr. pancreatici to pancreas, runs ventrally and at the level of vena porta gives r. hepaticus and runs as a. gastroduodenalis, finally a. gastroduodenalis separated to a. gastroepiploica dextra and a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. It was determined that rr. pancreatici took also origin from a. gastroduodenalis and a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. It was observed that in one material a. gastica dextra originated from a. hepatica, in one material from a. gastroduodenalis, in three materials from the branch of r. hepaticus which courses to lobus hepatis sinister and in five materials from r. hepaticus.It was seen that a. gastrica sinistra was thinner when compared with a. hepatica and a. lienalis, and also originated from a common root with a. lienalis.It was determined that a. gastrica sinistra seperated to r. parietalis and r. visceralis at dorsal and ventral aspect of pars cardiaca of gaster. In four materials r. esophageus originated from r. parietalis, in six materials from r. visceralis.It was established that a. lienalis runs as a part of a. celiaca and when compared thicker than a. hepatica and a. gastrica sinistra. It was determined that a. lienalis originated from a common root with a. gastrica sinistra.It was observed that a. lienalis gives rr. pancreatici to pancreas and after runs to extremitas dorsalis of lien, courses to extremitas ventralis at hilus lienalis and during this course it gives aa. gastricae breves, rr. splenici, and rr. epiploici. It was determined that a. lienalis runs as a. gastroepiploica sinistra after extremitas ventralis of lien and from this vessel aa. gastricae breves and rr. epiploici originated.Item Tavşanda göğüs ve ön ekstremitenin toplardamarları üzerinde makroanatomik çalışmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001) Bozkurt, Emine Ümran; Dursun, NejdetTavşanda Göğüs ve Ön Ekstremitenin Toplardamarları Üzerinde Makroanatomik Çalışmalar. Bu çalışmada ırk ve cinsiyet ayrımı gözetilmeksizin 10 adet ergin tavşan kullanıldı. Materyallere damar içi yolla renklendirilmiş latex enjekte edildi ve diseksiyonlan yapılarak fotoğraflandı. Tavşanda vena cava cranialis dextra ve vena cava cranialis sinistra olmak üzere iki vena cava cranialis bulunduğu gözlemlendi. Kalbin venöz damarları vena cordis magna, vena cordis media ve venae cordis dextrae olarak belirlendi. Sinus coronarius'un tavşanlarda bulunmadığı tespit edildi. Vena azygos dextra' nın bulunduğu ve bu damarın vena cava cranialis dextra'dan başlangıç aldığı gözlendi. Ön bacağın yüzeyel venöz damarlarının derinde seyreden damarlara göre daha kalın olduğu belirlendi. Ön bacağın yüzeyel venöz damarları ile derin venöz damarları arasında başlıca iki bağlantı olduğu gözlendi. Bu bağlantılardan ilkinin vena cephalica ile vena circumflexa humeri caudalis arasında ramus anastomoticum cum vena circumflexa humeri caudalis, ikincisinin ise vena cephalica ile vena mediana arasında bulunan vena mediana cubiti aracılığıyla sağlandığı tespit edildi. Arcus dorsalis superficialis'in vena cephalica accessoria'nın vena metacarpea dorsalis lateralis' i tarafından şekillendirildiği belirlendi. Bu kemerden vena digitalis dorsalis communis ü, IH ve IV ün başlangıç aldığı gözlendi. Arcus palmaris superficialis'in vena ulnaris'in ramus palmaris superficialis'i ve vena cephalica'nm ramus superficialis'i tarafından şekillendirildiği tespit edildi. Arcus palmaris profundus'un vena cephalica, vena ulnaris ve vena radialis'in ramus palmaris profundus 'lan ile vena mediana ve vena interossea caudalis'in ramus carpeus palmaris' leri tarafından şekillendirildiği gözlendi.AbstractMacroanatomic Investigations on the Veins of the Chest and Forelimb in Rabbit. In this study, 10 adult rabbits, regardless of age, sex and breed, were used as experimental animals. Colored latex was injected to materials and dissection was performed, followed by taking photographs. It was observed in the rabbits used that there are two cranial caval veins; as the right and the left. Great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, and right cardiac veins were determined to be the venous vessels of the heart. Hence, coronary sinus was found to be lacking in the rabbit. Right azygous vein which arises from the right cranial caval vein was present. It was observed that lumens of the superficial venous vessels of the forelimb were wider than those of the ones which course deeper. Two connections were seen between the superficial and deeper venous vessels of the forelimb. The first one was an anastomotic branch of the caudal circumflex humeral vein which was between cephalic vein and caudal circumflex humeral vein. The second connection was via the median cubital vein between the cephalic vein and the median vein. Dorsal superficial arch was formed by lateral dorsal metacarpal vein of the accessoric cephalic vein. It was observed that the second, third, and fourth common digital dorsal veins arisen from this arch. It was displayed that superficial palmar arch was formed by superficial palmar branch of the ulnar vein and superficial branch of the cephalic vein. And it was showed that deep palmar arch was formed by deep palmar branches of the cephalic vein, ulnar vein, radial vein, and palmar carpal branches of the median vein and caudal interosseal vein.Item Yeni Zelanda Tavşanı'nda (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) arcus aortae ve ön ekstremite atardamarları üzerinde makroanatomik çalışmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008) Ekim, Okan; Dursun, Nejdet; AnatomiIn this study the aortic arch and the arteries of the forelimb of the 10 adult New Zeland Rabbit were investigated. All materials were filled with latex and dissected.It was determined that primarily the brachiocephalic trunk, then the left subclavian artery arose from the aortic arch.The left common carotid artery then the right subclavian artery and finally the right common carotid artery leaved the brachiocephalic trunk was observed.It was seen that the costocervical trunk, the internal thoracic artery, the vertebral artery and the superficial cervical artery took their origin from the subclavian artery.The axillary artery which gave off the suprascapular artery, the external thoracic artery, the lateral thoracic artery, the subscapular artery, the thoracodorsal artery, the caudal humeral circumflex artery and the cranial humeral circumflex artery was observed .It was seen that the brachial artery gave off the deep brachial artery, the biccipital artery, the collateral ulnar artery, the transverse cubital artery, the common interosseous artery and some other muscular branches.It was detected that the cranial interosseous artery, the caudal interosseous artery, ulnar artery, the cranial superficial antebrachial artery and the radial artery took their origin from the median artery. Beside this it was recorded that the median artery gave aa. digitales communes II ? IV to the fingers and also joined to the superficial palmar arch.It was seen that dorsal carpal rete was formed by the conjunction of r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery and the ulnar artery and r. carpeus dorsalis of the radial artery. From this rete a. digitalis dorsalis communis I and aa. metacarpeae dorsales II ? IV took their origin.It was determined that the deep palmar arch was formed by r. profundus of r. palmaris of the radial artery and r. profundus of r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery. From this arch aa. metacarpeae palmares I ? IV arose.It was established that the superficial palmar arch was formed by r. superficalis of r. palmaris of the radial artery and r. superficialis of the r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery. From this arch a. digitalis palmaris communis I and V arose.It was determined that aa. metacarpeae palmares I ? IV were formed from the deep palmar arch and made anastomosis with the related aa. digitales palmares communes.Item Yeni Zelanda tavşanında (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) nervus vagus’un subgros-anatomik incelenmesi(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002) Çengelci, Ayşe; Dursun, NejdetBu çalışmada 12 adet (6 adet dişi ve 6 adet erkek) ergin Yeni Zelanda tavşanı kullanıldı. Materyallere damar içi yolla renklendirilmiş latex enjekte edildi ve diseksiyonları yapılarak fotoğraflandı. Nervus vagus’un medulla oblongata’nın ventrolateral’inden çıktığı, üzerinde ganglion proximale nervi vagi ve ganglion distale nervi vagi olmak üzere iki ganglion bulunduğu belirlendi. Ganglion distale nervi vagi’den rami pharyngei’nin tek bir dal halinde ayrıldığıgörüldü. Nervus vagus’un n. laryngeus cranialis’i verdikten sonra pars sympathici trunci ile birlikte truncus vagosympathicus’u oluşturduğu ve göğüs boşluğuna kadar bu şekilde bulunduğu gözlendi. Göğüs boşluğunda sağ ve sol n. vagus’un seyirlerinde farklılık olduğu belirlendi. Nervus vagus dexter’den ayrılan rami cardiaci sayısının sol taraftan fazla olduğu saptandı. Nervus laryngeus recurrens dexter’in sağ n. vagus’tan a. subclavia dextra’yı geçtiği düzeyde ayrıldığı, n. laryngeus recurrens sinister’in ise sol n. vagus’tan arcus aortae’yi hemen geçtiği düzeyde çıktığı görüldü. Rami bronchales’in, n. vagus’tan bifurcatio tracheae düzeyinde ayrıldığı ve plexus pulmonalis’in oluşumuna katıldığı gözlendi. Nervus vagus dexter ve sinister’in bifurcatio tracheae düzeyinde 7 tavşanda dorsal ve ventral iki dala ayrıldığı, 5 tavşanda ise tek bir dal halinde seyrine devam ettiği belirlendi. Rami esophagei’nin, 7 tavşanda dorsal ve ventral dallardan ayrıldığı, 5 tavşanda ise n. vagus dexter ve sinister’den çıktığı ve plexus esophageus’un oluşumuna katıldığı saptandı. Truncus vagalis ventralis ve dorsalis’in 5 tavşanda oluştuğu belirlendi. 2 tavşanda dorsal ve ventral dalın bulunmasına rağmen bu köklerin şekillenmediği görüldü. 5 tavşanda ise n.vagus’un tek seyrettiği ve truncus vagalis dorsalis ve ventralis’in oluşmadığı gözlendi. Rami gastrici parietalis’in 5 tavşanda truncus vagalis ventralis’ten, 5 tavşanda ise sağ n. vagus’tan ayrıldığı, 2 tavşanda ise truncus vagalis ventralis’i oluşturmayan sağ ve sol n. vagus’un ventral dallarının devamı olduğu belirlendi. Rami celiaci accessorii’nin 5 tavşanda truncus vagalis ventralis’ten, 5 tavşanda sağ n. vagus’tan ayrıldığı ve 2 tavşanda ise bulunmadığı görüldü. Rami gastrici visceralis’in 5 tavşanda truncus vagalis dorsalis’ten, 5 tavşanda sol n. vagus’tan ayrıldığı ve 2 tavşanda truncus vagalis dorsalis’i oluşturmayan sağ ve sol n. vagus’un dorsal dallarının devamı olduğu saptandı. Rami celiaci’nin 5 tavşanda truncus vagalis dorsalis’ten, 5 tavşanda ise sol n. vagus’tan ayrıldığı ve 2 tavşanda sağ ve sol n. vagus’un dorsal dallarının devamı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Summary In this study 12 (6 male and 6 female) adult New Zealand rabbits were used. Coloured latex was intravenously injected to the rabbits. The cadavers were dissected and photographed. It was observed that vagal nerve arised in the ventrolateral aspect of medulla oblongata possessing two ganglions which are ganglion proximale nervi vagi and ganglion distale nervi vagi. Ganglion distale nervi vagi supplied rami pharyngei as a branch. After giving off n. laryngeus cranialis n. vagus formed truncus vagosympathicus by combining pars sympathici trunci and this expanded into the thoracic cavity. In the thoracic cavity there were differences in the continuity of the right and left vagal nerve Number of rami cardiaci arised in right vagal nerve appeared to be more than left side. It was noticed that n. laryngeus recurrens dexter was given off by the right vagal nerve at about level of a. subclavia dextra while n. laryngeus sinister was formed by the left vagal nerve at the level of arcus aorta. Rami bronchales left from vagal nerve at bifurcatio trachea and became linked together with plexus pulmonales. Nervus vagus dexter and sinister at the level of bifurcatio trachea was divided into two branches (dorsal and ventral) in 7 rabbits and it continued as a single branch in 5 rabbits. Rami esophagei was given off by dorsal and ventral branches in 7 rabbits. It was originated from n. vagus dexter and sinister in 5 rabbits and the plexus esophagus was formed. In 5 rabbits truncus vagalis ventralis and dorsalis were present. In 2 rabbits dorsal and ventral branches were present but these structures were not observed. In 5 rabbits vagal nerve coursed only one branch, and truncus vagalis ventralis and dorsalis were not seen. Rami gastrici parietalis was separated from the truncus vagalis ventralis in 5 rabbits and from the right n. vagus in 5 rabbits. In 2 rabbits it was a continuation of ventral branches of the right and left vagal nerve that did not form the truncus vagalis ventralis. Rami celiaci accessorius left from the truncus vagalis ventralis in 5 rabbits and from the right vagal nerve in 5 rabbits. In 2 rabbits this was not seen. Rami gastrici visceralis arised from the truncus vagalis dorsalis in 5 rabbits and from the left vagal nerve in 5 rabbits. In 2 rabbits it was a continuation of dorsal branches of the right and left vagal nerve that did not form the truncus vagalis dorsalis. Rami celiaci arised from the truncus vagalis dorsalis in 5 rabbits and from the left vagal nerve in 5 rabbits. In 2 rabbits it was a continuation of dorsal branches of the right and left vagal nerve.